Wednesday, October 29, 2014

October Campus Ministry and some family fun

My coworker Seth on a staff men's day. We hiked in the Uinta mountains. The Wasatch and Provo are in the background. On a side note, the Uintas are one of the only ranges in North America that runs east-west instead of north-south. 

Some folks setting up for the "Haunted Hustle" concert in the park by our house. October is a very strange month. The spiritual battle is much more noticeable as Halloween decorations start going up as early as September.  Some have observed and opined that Halloween outweighs Christmas for importance here.  

A week ago we had the opportunity to share about our life in Christ with students from the LDS Campus Institute again (the last time was in March). Below, Alexis (Cru Staff) sharing her story of searching for life apart from Christ.  


Fall Retreat happened on October 3-5. Students from SLCC, Westminster College, U of Utah and Utah State all came together to hear Steve (Cru Staff in Portland, above) teach from the book of Ephesians. Below, Nate (Cru staff in SLC) talks with students about opportunities to go overseas and share their faith. 

One of my favorite things at Fall Retreat was getting to play dodgeball in a 4 team all vs all tournament. Because, when else does one get to play dodgeball as an adult? It was awesome! 

Touring the State Capital with Devon's parents when they were in town. 

Colleen's birthday party

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Start of a new School Year

Its been a whirlwind of a month - the first 6 weeks of the school year always are! We are really enjoying Salt Lake City and the surrounding area and so my pictures this month start off with some examples to show you why....

My office - not really, but when I get a chance to work outside on this part of campus I love it.

The view out the side window of my office. 

President's Circle - my walk home everyday through the heart of the U of Utah. Downtown SLC in the background. 

My gym - Sugarhouse Park where I (and sometimes Charis in a jogging stroller) go for a run. 

In the mountains near Park City on a "Day with the Lord" 


Its been an exciting first month of school with ministry on campus. In the midst of it all I often forget to take pictures but I've posted a few to capture it:

Men's Lifegroup Bible Study- these guys bring a ton of energy each week. It can be a rowdy bunch but when its time to study they channel that energy into God's Word. I've been really impressed with this group!


Gathering students for the Crumazing (Cru Amazing) Race. Students got into teams and then had to go around campus taking pictures of themselves doing various challenges then post them to Facebook. 

After the Race, Kate shared her story of coming to know the Lord. We were excited when one student in particular sought Kate out afterwards to ask her about her faith. (Full disclosure- this is Stephanie, but Kate was up right after and the scene looked about the same) 


I know why you really read this blog, and its to see pictures of our family (by which I mean, our kids). So here they are: 

Dad and Selah. I watched the kids a whole Saturday while Colleen was on a women's retreat. Whatever appreciation I had before for her job as mom was amplified! We had a good time just the three of us though. 

Charis washing dishes. This is of her own volition. 

Our church meets in a warehouse and its hard to find a place to lay Selah down for her nap. This carpeted stairwell is our makeshift crib. 



Also Charis

Charis getting ready for bed.

Trying on clothes at Costco

Dueling Strollers